Forge Code

Manage code compliance!

Forge Code from Rubicon Software Group provides the tools to manage code compliance and enforcement for your municipality or district! Forge Code is part of the Rubicon Forge system of applications that run standalone or part of a suite of tools that provide you with a single interface to access applications for a truly vertical market solution! The standalone app login screen is shown at the left.

Note that all email and text messaging options for Forge applications requires Rubicon eMsg Messenger!
Certain areas in images have been blurred to protect privacy!


Forge Dashboard...

Forge Code adds a section to your existing Forge Dashboard with tools to manage Permits, Contractors, and Re-Plats.  The standalone product appears as seen in the illustration to the right.


Track permits...

Forge Code will automatically age permits and adjust their status and color based on type of permit and the age since approval.  Completed and cancelled permits are hidden by default but can be toggled into view. Permits are color coded to indicate status in real time. Todays date will be entered into the appropriate field when status is altered in the status dropdown. And conversely, entering a date into certain fields will automatically change the status of a permit.  Network Technologies will customize the permit types and the stages and statuses required for your needs.


Forge Code offers choices...

With Forge Code, there are often multiple ways to do things as shown to the right . Permits can be edited in a modal form (bottom picture) or in-line (top picture). The premise is based on a spreadsheet interface with which everyone has familiarity. So do it your way! You can search any column with the top field in each column or search throughout the data with a search using the magnifier tool at the bottom of the table.


Reports are available...

currently in the application sections for permits and contractors. The available report list is opened in the picture to the left. Reports are available as defaults and can be built explicitly to order by Network Technologies to deliver you the information you want when you need it. The Contractors Reports include Contractors in bad standing and email reports and email addresses exported to the clipboard. All reports can be downloaded as PDFs.


Contractors and Re-Plats...

Forge Code has dedicated interfaces for both. The contractors section (shown right) allows you to age registration fees and maintain standings. The drop-down contractors list in Permits is fed by contractors in good standing here. The contractor info hover in Permits is populated from the contractor table. The re-plats interface is new and offers stage management and tracking.

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